The Structure Of The Language of Light
However, none of the people being affected by this language could understand what was being said. Neither did we. The sounds of the language are very strange. However, at one of out expo in Trondheim, Norway in April, 2011 something very interesting happened.
A woman came up to us after the channeling. She understood what was being said. The message of the language was all about building bridges between the different worlds existing in different dimensions and by activating our DNA we will be able to do a shift in consciousness and see the bigger picture.
And then another very interesting thing occurred. Just a week or so later a friend of ours, Tove Stavem Reite (picture above), called us with some startling information. She said she knew what this special language was all about.
She is a psychic and had been attending our talk on The Shift in Consciousness a few weeks earlier on another expo where Lilli also channeled The Language of Light.
That same night Tove received a channeling herself and it gave her detailed information about The Language of Light. The information came from an energy-source calling itself The Brotherhood.
Tove did not inform us of this channeling until after she had read a passage in the Norwegian version of The Shift in Consciousness book talking about how everything exists in the so-called empty space.
This was a direct link to the information she received and it made her contact us. Here is the entire channeling Tove received:
This "language" (language is in quotes because it cannot be compared with earthly languages the way we perceive language) is of a different order than the phonological language found on Mother Earth.
In the intergalactic dimensions frequencies not known to the human sphere exist. The variables and the different variations is a complex system which contain both opportunities and existentialism that will never be known in the earthly dimension. This is an impossibility when the vibrations, features, scope and physics between us can be considered as oil and water.
Nevertheless, we communicate in the same wave oscillations and we have passage between dimensions, albeit in a somewhat covert way. So our star-language will thus work as an intermediate part - albeit a handicap in relation to our language's potential.
It is only the language's sound vibrations, in the earthly term, which is perceived by the human senses. The impact is on a more subtle level, but is just as effective as the physical laws. Our explanation for the scope and communication area of this language will appear unreal, unbelievable and incomprehensible (based on earthly terms). But, with the linguistic terms which our channel (Tove) can produce, we will explain.
It is not correct to call it a language, since this vibrational pattern holds far more than external communications through the "sound". Sound is not necessarily sound, but frequency which is perceived as "sound" of an individual's sensory apparatus.
In our world is the existence of a far more complex pattern, but not quite, but it is perceived as such from an earthly perspective.
The sound waves produces by our sister Lilli (Bendriss) is only one layer in the "language" production index. Just like one instrument in the large philharmonic orchestra. It is only on this earthly sound-level we can reach you even with this rewrite.
The sound you hear is not necessarily what our senses are hearing. However, it must be like this in the transfer (to earth) AND, it sounds like music to our ears when our sister speeches.
The sound which is produced to your ears is in our world 3-dimensional. When the transfer from our dimension to your earthly dimension occurs the filter (= order of the physical laws) will only filter the electromagnetic waves which contain the sound wave frequencies.
This amounts to approx. 10% of the whole modulate. The remainder is communication on other levels/planes. Our channel Tove sees and understands (in part) but, the state of things (the laws of the Earth and the restriction of the language) makes the explanation difficult.
(Digression by Tove: but also because this language is in a multidimensional perspective and must be seen as substance in time and space where the context is thought, form and energy - the way I "see" it)
Inbetween the audible sound (when Lilli speaks) gaps exist. These gaps have different length, width and height - in all variables! In addition, the spaces can be influenced in their own space - i.e they are plastic and elastic.
All space components may be affected in 3-D format, but also in shape. The possibilities are uncountable. If one imagines a cable or a pipe and the language (the stars language) is collected in this form, one can imagine the possibility of being able to cut off pieces (as in an MRI machine) - pieces as in the nano term - from this "cable/pipe" of language.
These cross-plates will in addition to length-measurements also possess both individual and custom information in a separate dimension/area.
(Digression by Tove: ... this section of the audio language may contain its very own independent information regardless of the overall speech. The MRI section can function independently and possess a completeness in itself)
On a human level you cannot yet understand or use this language or even "see" the potential. This is located on a DNA level and only when you are a 12 DNA string being will you be able to use it.
Our sister channel (Tove) has experienced "her head in the crystal". So she has seen and received an insight - a flash of insight - even if the frustration was great when the head was pulled out and only her human understanding remained (smile). But, because of this we can use her now. Deeper insight and understanding will come later for all.
(Digression by Tove: This was an experience on the mountain in Volda, Norway a few years ago when Ashtar Commander Ashtar Sheran came and showed me a crystal. When I got my head inside the crystal my understanding of the world and the universe changed. I got to experience a full comprehension of the universe with "super" brain. This disappeared when my head was taken out and I was back to normal again. But the experience has provided me wih insight to see things in a different way and with another understanding of how the laws and overview of the universe work).
Back to the language: Within these spaces, the dimensions contained in the spaces, we find the intention, consciousness, thought, communication, selection, transfer, yes all the multifaceted variables in the existential mind. In this case, our being.
This means that our "thoughts", attitudes, intent, etc. affects receptors in the potential of language. It is this influence from our minds which manifest (not manifest on the earthly plane) in our language. This then becomes a transfer station of information to others. In this "language-cable/pipe" constituents exist on many levels. These parts transduce on different levels and they also transduce differently on their own plane.
It's like layers in a cacophony - albeit in the cosmic order. The language will work for us both as a communication between us, but also as tools (sound) where it can be used on many levels e.g like a scanner - like the dolphin.
However, these wavelengths penetrates the membranes and rebuild destroyed matter. The sound vibrations of our language sister Lilli will be used for human development. It will not be possible to write down the language she speaks since the sound waves are not verifiable. But, they can be digitized (smile) and used in meditation and than as background noice under another speech. This will "spread" the message faster .
** (You've got so well-developed technology - (laughter)
Channeled by Tove Stavem Reite February 14th, 2011 from the energy-being The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood is talking about using the language Lillis speaks for human development/upgrading and hence we believe that this language is an important part of DNA activation for people on Earth in our process towards becoming an enlightened being with 12 active DNA strings. Just like Sheldan Nidle says: "The 12-strand is the end product of planned jumps from two to three to six to twelve."