You Gotta Read It. I have ordered many thousands of dollars worth of products from Amazon and this is the first time I felt compelled to write a review. I cannot even begin to say how much I enjoyed this book. I won't speak about the details. What I will say is I love the way the authors combined scientific research and metaphysical information. I enjoyed the book so much that I purchased three additional copies to give as gifts. I'm very grateful and thankful to the authors for writing it. It has most certainly expanded my knowledge and enhanced my life.
By Greateful & Thankful. Amazon Review
I received my copy of The Shift in Consciousness from Amazon a couple of days ago. It's riveting! I love it! My work schedule allows me to read only one or two chapters each day. Reading it is one of the highlights of my day. I'm learning so much. Reading your book is really helping me shift my thinking. I started this journey with Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret," and I'm very greatful and thankful for her book and videos. However, your book is forcing me to expand my thinking and dig deeper. I can't even tell you how I found you. I didn't google this type of information, but I was led to your website. Thank you for writing the book, and for creating your website.
- Thank you for sharing. Thank you kindly, Tammy - USA - Maryland
This book & so so many others have helped Us All, raise Our Vibrations to connect with each Other & Our beautiful Earth!!! We will Be an abundant and peaceful planet.
Peace & Luv Stafford Riggs - USA
Love it. I believe the author has a very powerful definition of Consciousness. Having studied this subject for over 12 years I found this book to be truly original. It was a breakthrough.
Bobby - USA
This book was in great shape and at a great price too. I have yet to have a bad experience.
Sharon Wingate - USA
Hi Camillo! What a great book you have produced together with Lilli! I have read spiritual literature for 10 - 15 years and I have been searching the spiritual aspect of my life for over 30 years! I have also held a series of lectures about the spiritual! And so to the point! This book sums up all my reading! It puts my studies in perspective ... and facilitate the next stage of my growth / development! Thank you! Thank you!
Terje Lie Pedersen- Norway
Thank you for the magnificent book that you've written:) The book was so enlightening and somehow put things into perspective for me:)
May Amundsdatter - Norway
I am excited to be commenting on the long awaited English translation of THE SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS. Each of us are on a very important journey of self-discovery; a journey whereby we are embracing the truth that exist within in order to both embrace and contribute to the current change at hand. We are thinking, feeling and sensing beings, living in a sentient universe, with the power to create our own reality. Taking the time to read this fine work will enable you to rediscover what this journey is all about.
- Michele Doucette - USA
The information in this book was well researched and most interesting. The ideas brought new thoughts to my mind that I will continue researching for my own knowledge. Over all I found the reading just wonderful and insightful.
Barbara Dierdorff - San Diego, California
Hi! I bought the book and started reading it! It´s almost impossible to put it down! :)
- Eva Strand
Thanks for a wonderful book .... has been an enrichment to read! Recommended:)
- Maria Søbstad
What a great book. It´s like an encyclopedia ....just fantastic really! I go back and forth - looking up great infomation, go back a little, think, read a bit more and so on!
- Lisbeth Luneborg
What a wonderful book. I have read it from cover to cover and not been able to put it down. So much research and documentation is processed and presented in an easy and understandable way. This book really helps a consciousness shift. Many, many thanks - to Camillo and Lilli
- Margaret Kvisle
Buy this book. Exciting reading. Scientific facts, metaphysics, and new interesting information. - Mariann Leliënhof
YES…BUY THIS BOOK ♥ It is just amazing ♥ as I am reading the book many pieces fall into place for me ♥. THANK YOU
- Live Dybendal
Fantastic book, a real page turner ♥ - Grethe Røsnes
I recommend everyone to buy The Shift in Consciosness. ♥
- Anita Larsen
Humanity is on a unique journey through the universe. Right now there is a time of great opportunity for each and one of us - to once again connect with the Divine - with the whole - with the cosmos. One of the key words for this era is BALANCE - at all levels. The Shift in Consciousness is an informative and important contribution in this process.
- Marianne S. Behn
Author, Rosen therapist and TV-hostess for the program "The Other Side" on Channel FIVE, Norway.
The Shift in Consciousness gives us the answers to the big questions. With clarity the reason behind the cause of life and existence is being conveyed. The truths in this book help us to better understand and master life's journey.
- Gillian R. Godtfredsen
Internationally recognized and accomplished healer. NLP trainer, coach and mentor.
Founder of The Paradigm Academy of Holistic Studies.
© Copyrights by Camillo Loken. All Rights Reseved.